Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Update Before I'm Off to Study...

I know it's been two months since I've written anything, but keep in mind that in those two months, not a whole lot has happened. Finals and winter break do that to you.

Anyway. I'm in my last semester at VT and honestly, the weather is doing its darndest to drive me out. I am so over snow and the people around here not knowing how to deal with snow (hint: you start salting/sanding BEFORE there's any snow, let alone 3") and being plowed in and digging my car out with a tupperware because Kroger, Food Lion, Target, and Walmart all sold out of snow shovels ages ago. I am sick of unshoveled sidewalks ON CAMPUS that mean I'm walking to my classes in snow past my knees and black ice everywhere.

I'm also sick and tired of having to remind my roommates that just because they don't have class until noon (or at all) doesn't mean that everyone doesn't.

But I digress. I've got Food Microbiology, Immunology, and Detective Fiction, as well as the staple of Research to keep me busy. A test in Immunology to keep me oh so busy that I'm actually considering blowing off the research lab today in order to study. And because it's a 20 minute walk to the lab from my class (already a 15 minute walk from my apartment) and it is still currently snowing/sleeting/who knows outside.

I think that's what I'll do.

1 comment:

  1. This was a happy blog entry. Also, I think the problem here is that your knees are too close to the ground . . .
