Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I hate Linux. So much. So so much.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Why is it that every day of my vacation I had no problem waking up at 7 (or earlier), but as soon as I had to go back to work, my body has been like "ugh, 7:15...I want to die"?

Also, I've determined that the lab computer just doesn't like me.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Deja Vu Much?

I felt like I was going to class this morning, as opposed to work. I was armed with a backpack loaded with the following: a notebook, my Microbial Physiology textbook, my laptop, a long-sleeve shirt in case I get cold, and a copy of the CT when I was able to find a newsstand.

Welcome back to research-land.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Very Own Project

I meant to write this last week before I went on a trip (the boyfriend was a groomsman in a wedding and his sister's graduation was in the same week, so we made a vacation out of it), but I'm doing some summer research and I now have my OWN PROJECT!

I'm doing pretty much the same work I was doing in the spring, but I'm starting a whole metabolic system from scratch, which includes doing gene look-ups and actually creating the trees I need to annotate. This means learning more Linux and getting trained to use SystemX. I'm not a huge computer nerd, but I'm actually really excited to be using SystemX; it's only one of the fastest supercomputers on the plant.

What system will I be working with, you ask? Ever heard of The Krebs Cycle?