Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Completely Non-Scientific Note

So I've had a mole removed. Hopefully this will be the only one, as I'm not particularly fond of the implications.

I'm a pale kid. I don't tan (intentionally or otherwise), I wear sunscreen almost all the time if I'm not covered up, and I don't mind that my skin could probably be described as "alabaster". 200 years ago, that was sexy, right? I'm a pale, brownish-red haired, slightly freckled girl with tanned blondes for a mother and sister.

Honestly, the worst part was after they put in the anesthetic and waited for it to kick in. I must have been lying on my stomach, with my butt exposed to the world, for a good 20 minutes. I don't have butt issues, per se, but I'd prefer to not to be lying prone on an exam table with only a hospital gown preserving my dignity. When they were actually cutting it out, we talked about prions (apparently they factored greatly into this past season of 24), Swine Flu, and hummus. I could feel pressure on my back, mostly when they were stitching me up, but it didn't hurt. Apparently, people believe that when you get anesthetized, you can't feel anything. People, you'll feel pressure, but it won't hurt.

The mole was on my back, slightly above where a bra or bikini strap would rest, and tiny. But it was slightly star-shaped. Like Star of Bethlehem, not a sticker you got on your spelling test in the 3rd grade. And apparently it was deep, deep enough to warrant a subcutaneous stitch, as well as the nice collection I've got holding my back together.

I've had stitches before and have no issue cleaning them and I can deal. These, however, are driving me nuts. They're at the exact place on my back that I cannot reach, so I have to rely on others to clean them for me. And they itch like crazy (my back hurts a little, as well, but the itching is more annoying). I'm also incredibly paranoid that I'm going to inadvertently rip these out. Or have them ripped out by my cat, who is a terrorist and has a penchant for jumping at my back anyway. I had to move seats twice at dinner to get away from him, as he kept jumping behind my chair and twice got his claws into my back -- nowhere near the stitches, but enough to make me incredibly anxious.

So that's all that's new right now. I'm sure I'll have something to say about work and research once I get back to the 'Burg.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


It feels so weird being around here and not having work to do.

The latest adventures in my life include surreptitiously gathering graduation presents with those of us who are not graduating for those who are (all in our group of friends except for the three girls and two of the guys). After a brainwave last night, we finally got everyone covered and hopefully the last of the ordered presents will arrive today. Graduation is Saturday, and they're all graduating from the same college, so we don't have to juggle ceremonies.

I managed to get A job. Not a job I really wanted mind you, though for the last few days, it was starting to look like any job would be acceptable to me. So I'm part of the Personal Computer Initiative at the bookstore, which basically means I answer the phone and organize laptop orders for incoming freshmen and other people who are ordering new computers. Funsies.

So I guess I'm going to go do my dishes now because they've accumulated rather well. Then I'm not sure what I'm going to one else is up this early, and the only reason I am is because I had to drive the bf out to the Village to find his car. He left it there when he went to a department barbeque, at which he got rather drunk and obviously did not drive home.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Been Busy

So I've been gone a while. End of the semester is a busy time, as you may know. So here are some brief wrap-ups of my labs.

Class Lab
Presented the giant mutant project. Somehow managed a 95 on the presentation, despite completely blanking out on how Ethedium Bromide works. I'll never forget again after that. Also did reasonably well on the final. Given that and an impeccable attendance grade, plus extra credit points for doing the unthinkable and turning work in on time (don't ask), I might possibly scrape an A in the course. Who knows.

Research Lab
I ended up having to complete a multiple sequence alignment, which for several weeks was the bane of my existence. However, once it was all said and done, things turned out quite pleasantly and I actually had something to show for my work, aside from some very colorful cladograms. This is not to say that I wanted to pull my hair out on more than one occasion, mostly as a result of some proteins being hypothetical or certain websites (no naming names...) making it almost completely impossible to find sequences.

So that's what I've been up to. No idea where my life is going for the summer. Stupid economy.